Upcoming discussions, dialogue and phone guidance consultations:
~ Transforming Global Climate Grief: Creating Earth Monuments, Altars of Dedication, Sacred Spirals, Sacred Water ceremony, Honoring Ancestors with Tree-Centric Wild Labyrinths and much more.
~ Translating sacred arts, sacred technologies of Geo-Metrics or "measuring the Earth" into healing Earth sculptures, Labyrinths of Life, powerful, One-with-Nature Awareness rituals
~ Honoring and Listening to the Indigenous Wisdom of Geo-Mancy or "the prophetic teachings of the Earth" and of Place and Spirit
~ How do we speak with and create sacred Geo-Graphy, "to write the Earth"-on, through and with the Land?
~ Ritual constructions from many sources: Dolmens, henges, standing stones, sentinels, stone ships, cairns, passage monuments, purging circles, fire and earth rituals, mound communications, Medicine Circles, birthing and releasing and sanctuary environments
~ Considering Earth acupuncture, interspecies communication and healing through ancient and newly re-imagined Sacred Spaces
~ Northern European and Old Norse traditions of ceremonial eco-healing turned forward to embrace the cutting edge knowledge of contemporary eco-psychology
Weddings and Adventure Elopements can be planned around formal or Wild Labyrinths created specifically for the couple and their unique Life design request. What are your Sacred Numbers? Bringing the numerology of your names, and important dates, cycles of years of your couple's history together, and dates of shared meaningful events into the construction is a lovely and powerful use of sacred geometry. Formal labyrinths meant to be permanent and improvised Wild Labyrinths on the beach, in the meadow, created for the backyard, simply and swiftly designed with a rake and fallen Autumn leaves are a centerpiece for Celebrations. Cheyenne and Mahlia's Spring River Labyrinth Elopement |