Mindfulness Meditations: The Walk of Life
It is our privilege to support and guide you in creating your own Mindfulness Meditation environment and practice.
*An Earth-centered garden and contemplative landscape engages and empowers movement into creativity and peace. It is a way to promote and commit on a daily basis to conscious healing of self and the environment.
*We have discovered that there are many immediate opportunities, if we just step Outside, in order to step Into our innate ability to pause, poise and practice peaceful calm.
*You do not need a formal location in your yard, park, neighborhood in order to begin or to expand and deepen such an organic and natural practice. Dedicating our gentle attention and intention to any point in Nature is all it takes.
*Here are some simple and very direct ways to shape and honor your individual or group contemplation and mindful meditations with Nature.
*Remember ~ Never pass up an opportunity to celebrate Being One With Nature with friends, family, community
Winter Solstice ~ New Year's Meditations
May 4th, 2019 ~ Celebrating International One Walk, One World Labyrinth Day

Womens' Seasons of Change Rituals in the Spiral of Life
Family Celebrations ~ Ancient HandFasting Recomitment Ceremony

All-Community Summer Solstice Celebration