Welcome to Wise Acre with your collaborators, Mark and Marcie.
Cross over the trout stream...
Cross over the trout stream...

Follow the path...
Meet Your LOL Friends and Consultants:
Mark Schwiesow, Landscape Designer, Community Animator, Celebration Artist, Meditation Garden Creator/Landscape Consultant and Marcie Telander, MA, EcoTherapist, Registered Expressive Arts Therapist, Celebration Artist, Licensed Professional Counselor in New Mexico.
Mark Schwiesow, Landscape Designer, Community Animator, Celebration Artist, Meditation Garden Creator/Landscape Consultant and Marcie Telander, MA, EcoTherapist, Registered Expressive Arts Therapist, Celebration Artist, Licensed Professional Counselor in New Mexico.
WHY WE ARE HERE ~ Biographies and Life Purpose

Please join us on the Life-Path of Discovering Labyrinths and Re-Claiming the Sacred Place Spirit in Nature.
Learn more about the Inner Landscape and Meditation With Nature, through our unique, experiential practice of Spiritual Improvisation. Please read about and sign up to participate in our One-with-Nature Seasonal Celebrations and Labyrinth Events.
Mark Schwiesow has been teaching labyrinth construction and co-creation for over 20 years. His background in cinematography and work in feature films, plus many years of designing and building uniquely spirited architecture for small and challenging places are organic parts of his vision. Guiding environmental justice arts projects and creating sacred spaces, while living on a secret island surrounded by the Rocky Mountain wilderness, have all informed the range and depth of his work. Mark enjoys creating what he calls: Wild Labyrinths. These may be designed in rugged and back-country terrain, on beaches, in private gardens and public green-spaces or as meditation paths set in existing environments while honoring natural ecosystems. Drawing from his rich Native American heritage, Mark also helps individuals and groups create Medicine Circles and culturally-appropriate, Native Spirit contemplative environments. He enjoys creating site-specific, commemorative and event-oriented labyrinths. He constructs these earthworks with locally culled and carefully-curated environmental heritage materials.
Marcie Telander, MA, REAT, CGP. is an environmental psychotherapist, internationally Registered Expressive Arts Therapist, Certified Group Psychotherapist and Licensed Professional Counselor in New Mexico. Marcie travels internationally presenting eco-psychology and Earth-Honoring programs for groups and communities. She is a TEDTalk presenter, with community environmental and shared mission project: "TRANSFORMING COMMUNITY: Celebrating our Stories and Spirit of Place." (TEDx link to view: http://www.you.tube.com/results?search_query=marcie+telander) Marcie is the author of works such as "Finding Home: Creating Sacred Space" in the award-winning collection, RITUAL AND HEALING (ed. Don Eulert, PhD), a master storyteller, celebration artist, ritualist and Community Animation Expert. As an Integrative Medicine Woman she guides Labyrinth and One With Nature retreats and community LifePath celebrations and ceremonies Marcie is the Founder of the Earth Wisdom Mystery School and Secular Ministry retreats, certifications and programs. You may also visit her at: https://www.facebook.com/earthwisdominstitute and http://www.earthwisdominstitute.org. Marcie Lives on the East River with Mark, numerous 4-leggeds and 3 labyrinths at Wise Acre, their Colorado mountain retreat.